Aaron Boodman wrote:
2008/3/6 Brian Smith <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
 It isn't. See

 In particular, see Ian Hickson's comment. He already acknoledged that
 this stuff doesn't belong in the HTML specification, and the only reason
 that the current HTML 5 spec has so much junk in it is because nobody
 else is writing seperate specs for these features.

I agree with Ian. This stuff doesn't belong in HTML, but this seems to
be a list where a lot of productive discussion is happening about
things that don't belong in HTML. So I thought I'd propose it here
first for feedback.

This specification at http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/ wasn't originally about HTML directly, but about web application APIs, for which these proposed features would be suitable. However, somewhere along the way, that spec became about HTML5 instead and much of the content contained in it was no longer directly applicable. The content just hasn't been moved elsewhere.

I'm pretty sure that web APIs are still on topic for this list though.

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