On Sun, 20 Apr 2008 14:58:35 +0200, Greg Houston <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

This fulfills the basic idea, though the spec seems to leave the
resize mechanism up to the imaginations of the UAs. All it says is
that the resize mechanism is not a scrollbar. Using the element
borders might be one option for a resize mechanism. I imagine the CSS3
authors may have felt it out of their scope to try to define a resize
mechanism since it is a UI element. Though my particular idea may or
may not be a good one, it does beg the question as to whether or not
there should be HTML elements that can be used for such things and
that developers can then style and customize themselves rather than
being stuck with the various UA implementations that may or may not
work well with specific web application designs. Also, due to the
vagueness of the specification the implementations could vary quite
wildy from one browser to another. Do the resize mechanisms go on the
inside of the element, on the outside, centered on the edge? What
shape are they, circles, squares, rectangles? Are they as tall or wide
as the element or are they just little icons centered on each edge and
at the corners? If the element that is being resized has rounded
corners does the UI still look good? Are they simple in design or are
they shaded and intricate? Are they visible at all, or does the cursor
merely change when the mouse is over them? As a designer and developer
these are things I would like to have some control over.

If you want full control you probably have to implement it yourself.

Regarding a couple of the new UI elements in HTML5, it is not clear to
me from the spec if the meter and progress elements are purely UA
designed elements or if the developer has control over their styling.

You can probably style them using XBL in due course. They are similar to form controls as far as I can tell.

With the HTML5 drag and drop, can you specify a handle for the dragged
element(s) or are the dragged element(s) always their own handle(drag

I'm not sure what you mean here.

No, though after looking at these links the non-canvas part does
indeed appear to be more in the realm of the CSS3 spec. Where HTML
ends and CSS begins can be a little fuzzy for me. Regardless, to
clarify, if you have a div that is 100x100 pixels and you add a 5px
border, you will now have an element with dimensions of 105x105px.
This is because the border is aligned to the outside of the element.
If you animate the size of the border the element will grow and shrink
in size. If the border were added on the inside the element will
remain 100x100px wide regardless of the border size, but the content
size would shrink and expand.

Oh, you want 'box-sizing':


(This property has several UA implementations already. Some with a prefix only, admittedly.)

Anne van Kesteren

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