The anchor customarily encompasses just the key phrase, not the whole text.
The problem here is that the advertisements are not cooperative; they
aggressively try to get in the reader's way.  In your example, it would be
more consistent to wrap the header text only.
As an alternative, you can put a clickable empty transparency over the
teaser.  Is that what you meant by CSS tricks?

The thing is: You want to have it most intuitive for the user:

You have a portal page for a newspaper for example. Every article has a teaser with an image, a headline and text.

As a user, I don't want to search for a link text (like "more...", which is really bad, or some small key phrase), i just want to click somewhere on the teaser (on the image or the text) to get the article I want to read.

As a content producer, I have to honor that. It is good to have big clickable buttons, especially on present and upcoming mobile devices (like the iphone for example).

In the best case the whole rectangle of the teaser is clickable. At the moment you need some javascript or an a-tag with "display: block" for it, to get this behavior (see example in my last mail).

best regards


frank hellenkamp | interface designer
hasenheide 53 | 10967 berlin

+49.30.49 78 20 70 | tel
+49.173.70 55 781 | mbl
+49.1805.4002.243 912 | fax

strnr 14/339/61587

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