I don't know if you've seen the recent Accessible Rich Internet Applications <http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria/> draft? (There's also a primer at <http://www.w3.org/TR/wai-aria-primer/>.) It describes a number of standard states that can be added to custom controls. Rather than potentially fitting multiple values into a reldata attribute, it defines a host of attributes beginning with "aria-". Example:

<span role="checkbox" aria-checked="true">Foo</span>

I believe a number of script libraries (Dojo for example) plan on supporting ARIA. Firefox has some ARIA support already.
Thanks for pointing to WAI-ARIA. Just to clarify the status, both Dojo's Dijit library and Firefox 3 fully supports the current draft on both Windows and Linux. There are still being tweaks made in screen readers to support the outer edges of the ARIA widget semantics as well as ARIA live regions (for areas of the page that change but are not really widgets, such as an updating scoreboard).
More info on who is working on ARIA support in the FAQ here:

- Aaron

The current HTML 5 draft doesn't mention ARIA anywhere. Perhaps it should clarify the relationship (or non-relationship as it is at present), even if it's only a brief mention in section 1.1.



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