
I have written a little text now which have some documentation and
info about this attribute.
Where should I send this, and to whom? And does anyone have any info I
can add to the txt?


On Wed, Jul 9, 2008 at 2:32 PM, Anne van Kesteren <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Hi,
> On Wed, 09 Jul 2008 14:19:09 +0200, Lars <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
>> Is there any hope for this element? What information does which people
>> want to make this an HTML5 standard?
> It seems we have similar interests :-) I haven't gotten around to doing it,
> but what needs to be done is having a vast set of test cases that
> demonstrate how this feature is implemented today. Ideally from those
> testcases we can write up a proposal that can then be incorporated into
> HTML5.
> I believe this is all that is blocking the inclusion of this feature at this
> point. (Though it might also be delayed slightly because Web Forms 2.0 is
> not integrated yet, but that might happen soon.)
> Kind regards,
> --
> Anne van Kesteren
> <http://annevankesteren.nl/>
> <http://www.opera.com/>
=== Intro ===
When you want a really strong security on the web, it's a good idea to use SSL.
SSL can be used to encrypt your end to end connection to the web server, but
you will need a client certificate for the possibility to verify you as who you
are. The right way to get a certificate like this is for your browser to
generate it! The private key should NEVER get out of the client machine. It 
be generated and stored within the browser certificate store.

=== Background info ===
Netscape made an html attribute called keygen, <keygen>, many years ago.
There seems to be almost zero documentation around about this attribute.
Lots of the info you can find is old, and is missing vital info.
I have looked around, and I have seen eg. netbanks using this attribute.
Sites that wants this functionality without using this tag I've seen
using ActiveX/JavaScript hacks, which is really not what we want from
a tag that depends on security.

== Why do we need this? ==
I'm sure that if more people knew about this attribute and how to use it, it
would be used in a lot more areas. It can be used within big companies that 
on strong security for their employees when they want to access company data 
the outside, example mail or administrative web tools. Internet banks can also 
this. They would/should only use standarized tested technology, and currently, 
attribute is not fairly standarized, nor documented.

There is tools (enterprise, expensive) that can do this now; you generate your
certificate inside the network, and you can access the network from the outside.
However, to get this very usefull future of ssl on more places, it need to be
standarized, IE needs to support it, and it needs to be more documented!

=== Support ===
Currently, all the major browser support this attribute, all of Opera,
Firefox and Safari.
Internet Explorer however, does not, see http://support.microsoft.com/kb/190282.

=== Technical info ===
When using the keygen attribute inside an <form> like this;
   <keygen name="pubkey" challenge="randomchars">
   <input type="submit" name="createcert" value="Generate">

You will get a dropdown list with the browsers supported keylength and
an "Generate" submit box on the right.
When you, in this case, click generate the browser will generate a keypair,
sends the public key back to the browser in the $_POST['pubkey'] or 
Example output of the data sent to the server:

This is the public key in SPKAC format, see 
The server now needs to sign this key with its own certificate. But first you 
need to
put it in one file in this format (PHP code) (the pubkey must be in one line) 
in the spkac
file, so you need to replace the newlines first. Here is the phpcode for making 
the file
that you later need to sign;
  $key = $_REQUEST['pubkey'];
  $keyreq = "SPKAC=".str_replace(str_split(" \t\n\r\0\x0B"), '', $key);
  $keyreq .= "\nCN=".$username;
  $keyreq .= "\nemailAddress=".$CAmail;
  $keyreq .= "\n0.OU=".$CAorg." client certificate";
  $keyreq .= "\norganizationName=".$CAorg;
  $keyreq .= "\ncountryName=".$CAcountry;
  $keyreq .= "\nstateOrProvinceName=".$CAcity;
  $keyreq .= "\nlocalityName=".$CAcity;

The write_cert function job is to write $keyreq out to a file (let us say it 
writes it to /tmp/4k9Bal.spkac)
Now we have a file which may look something like this:
  CN=Your Name
  0.OU=Company client certificate

You can have more than one OU field. Name them like 1.OU=IT, 2.OU=Customer 
service and so on.

Now you need to sign the file and send it back to the browser. This is the part 
you should consern
about the security. You should never have the webuser sign certificates with 
your CA. I will not
comment on this here anyway, so here is how it can be done. In php:
  $command = "/usr/bin/openssl ca -config ".$opensslconf." -days ".$days." 
-notext \
  -batch -spkac ".$certfolder.$uniq.".spkac -out ".$certfolder.$uniq." -passin 
pass:'".$capw."' 2>&1";
  $output = shell_exec($command);

The final command without the variables whould be something like
  openssl ca -config /etc/CA/openssl.conf -days 180 -notext -batch \
  -spkac /tmp/4k9Bal.spkac -out /tmp/4k9Bal -passin pass:'y01_|s5Up3RseCr37CApW'

You will now have a file called /tmp/4k9Bal which is the public key signed by 
your CA.
Here is some more php code for doing this:
  $length = filesize($certfolder.$uniq);        // $cerfolder.$uniq = 
  header('Last-Modified: '.date('r+b'));
  header('Accept-Ranges: bytes');
  header('Content-Length: '.$length);
  header('Content-Type: application/x-x509-user-cert');

Note; you must have the exit; after sending the content of the file, or else it 
won't work.

You will now get a message from your browser saying that your personal 
certificate has been installed.

You can now configure apache to only let you in if you have a valid 
certificate. Example:
  SSLEngine on
  SSLCertificateFile /etc/CA/certs-pub/domain.der
  SSLCertificateKeyFile /etc/CA/certs-priv/domain.pem
  SSLCACertificateFile /etc/CA/certs-pub/ca.pem
  SSLCARevocationFile /etc/CA/crl/cacrl.pem
  <Location /secure_area/>
    SSLVerifyClient require
    SSLVerifyDepth 1

The area under /secure_area/ will now be secure, and you will now need a client 
signed by your CA for access.

You can also get the client cert CN and other info like this;

=== Links for more info ===
http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/cc214558.aspx - Something that may look 
like the MS version of the keygen attribute

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