On Fri, 26 Sep 2008, Maciej Stachowiak wrote:

Maybe I didn't read very well, but I don't see how the "clause for UI action optimizations" would prevent what I described. Could you spell it out for me please? It seems to me that the embedded iframes for iGoogle gadgets (or similar) will indeed be disabled when scrolled partly off the top of the page (or maybe dead to UI events only when you bring the mouse near them, which amounts to the same thing).

What I meant is that we can conceivably inhibit disabling IFRAMEs if they end up off the screen as a result of non-scripted user-initiated scrolling - a change that does not require the design to be scraped.

I was simply referring to the fact that similar optimizations were already
present in the design, so it is not a very far-fetched idea to extend it
to incorporate this. We did not, because it seemed to be a non-issue.

All this assuming that the inability to interact with a cross-domain gadget whose top part is off the screen is an usability problem by itself, to a degree that invalidates any security benefit for such a scheme. Many of the earlier security improvements within browsers did rule out far more pronounced usage scenarios, retrospectively breaking other people's applications. Examples include file:/// scripting restrictions, Internet <-> file:/// access restrictions, document.cookie restrictions on non-HTTP schemes, CANVAS readback once non-same-origin images are rendered, third-party cookie restrictions, etc. Not all of these solutions were perfect, but they do provide some context.

I am also not sure what you mean by "the other thread".

Err, sorry - the other branch of this one.

P.S. I cited this example because it is a Google property, but I am sure there are many others like it. We can't expect content authors to immediately fix them all.

Yet opt-in proposals expect content authors to immediately add security checks everywhere, which is considerably less realistic than having a handful of webpages adjust their behavior, if we indeed break it (which I don't think would be likely with the design). It feels better, but I am inclined to think it is considerably less beneficial.


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