I am not sure I have understood Robert correctly but it seems obvious to me
that if a site does not want to reveal its origin it cannot apply for a
tighter cooperation; it will just be treated as any other site in the wild.
And it is better not to rely on the user agent to do the right thing if




[mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] On Behalf Of Robert O'Callahan
Sent: Monday, September 29, 2008 11:33 AM
To: Hallvord R M Steen
Cc: whatwg@lists.whatwg.org; Michal Zalewski; Smylers
Subject: Re: [whatwg] Dealing with UI redress vulnerabilities inherent tothe
current web


That's good to have and we should definitely do it, but there are a couple
of reasons "Same-Origin-Only-Unless-

Access-Controls-Says-Otherwise" would be useful as well:
-- a bit simpler to implement on the server
-- for privacy reasons some UAs in some situations might not want to expose
the origin to the IFRAME's server; allowing the origin check to happen on
the client would handle that


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