On Sep 30, 2008, at 7:40 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp wrote:

I assume that this should be based on the search elements ID attribute,
am I right ? Because common UA behaviour already is to cache entries
(based on ID) ... so what unsolved problem is solved there ?

If I have a form on my site, using a particular autosave string for a search field, you can create a form on your site that submits to the same CGI URL, with a search field that uses the same autosave string, and browsers will know that they should share the search history between both forms. This is not a security problem, because the history list is not accessible to you (or me).

I don't see this feature getting a lot of use, but Apple has already implemented it, and I don't see a compelling reason not to support it. And who knows, if it's supported, maybe someone will think of some clever use for it that I haven't thought of, that couldn't have been done well without this feature.

Andy Lyttle

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