On Fri, 17 Oct 2008 00:01:02 +0200, Andy Lyttle <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:

"While the first item's length in segments is greater than 2 and the first character in each item in segments is a U+0030 DIGIT ZERO character, remove the first character from each item in segments."

Does this mean, if the length of the first item in segments is greater than 2 then loop through each item in segments, and if the first character is 0 then remove it?

Or does it mean, if the length of the first item in segments is greater than 2 and the first character of every item in segments is 0, then loop through each item and delete the first character, but if the first character of any item is not 0 then leave the whole thing alone?

I'm assuming you meant #1, but your wording isn't perfectly clear.

I meant #2. Reworded.

Has it occurred to you that while your algorithm makes the string "foo" return an error, the string "l33tsp34k" is converted to a dark purple?

Yes. I thought it matched webkit. But further testing shows that it does not. :-(

999 -> #000999
aaa -> #aaaaaa
aax -> #000000
#999 -> #999999
#aax -> #000000

I've made the algorithm return input if it's correct "#rgb" and otherwise continue the algorithm (which will instead match IE).

So the above would instead be:

999 -> #090909
aaa -> #0a0a0a
aax -> #0a0a00
#999 -> #999999
#aax -> #0a0a00


Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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