This is similar to the SSH model; the first time you connect, you're expected to manually check by some means that you're connecting to the right server. On subsequent connections, you won't be bothered unless the key changes.

I'll concede that in most cases no-one actually verifies the key in the first connection case, but at least this requires an attacker to intercept your *first* connection from a particular client, rather than just any connection.

I may not verify the key manually, but if my first connection to a particular server is made over a local network that I trust to be secure, then I can trust the key my SSH client has saved. This is not at all an uncommon situation: I set up a new server, I plug my laptop into the local LAN, I log in to make sure everything works. Later, when I'm sitting in a restaurant waiting for lunch and my laptop is connected to an untrusted public wifi network, I know the key my SSH client saved is legitimate.

This wouldn't be common with HTTP.

Andy Lyttle

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