On Oct 14, 2008, at 5:40 PM, Ian Hickson wrote:

There is no way to say "loop forever" right now primarily because doing so would mean complicating the syntax of the playcount attribute to be not
just a number. You can work around it with script (just add
onended="currentTime=0" to the <video> element).

This would lead to perceptible glitches in looped audio, compared to being able to represent the looping to the media framework.

To be honest I'm not really convinced we need the looping feature at all. It seems like we should drop this from the current version. What benefit does it bring? Is looping really that common? If we got rid of it we could
find better ways of picking the start time.

For example: I think looped audio would be a common thing for games to want to do, and they wouldn't want it to glitch when it loops.


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