On Wed, Oct 29, 2008 at 2:34 AM, Nils Dagsson Moskopp
> Am Mittwoch, den 29.10.2008, 01:27 +0100 schrieb Kristof Zelechovski:
>> What is the equivalent of the LABEL control under Microsoft Windows?
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/ms743463.aspx

wow. a great example of buggy documentation.

it claims to talk about a label "Themes", when it in fact means a
label "Theme:". I've sent feedback to Microsoft, hopefully they will
fix their documentation.

> (Under 9000 seconds in your favorite search engine.)

under 2hrs 30mins? yes, that's about right.

traditionally what we think of a "label" today was implemented by
using something called "static" in windows resources.


And the time required to find documentation on static controls was
something on the order of 10mins and it took about 6 searches.

the general list of controls for win32 and not some higher level
toolkit is probably this:

I'm having a hard time deciding if people really understand when
statics are used.

if you look at a file properties dialog and select the "Summary" tab
(this may require the volume be NTFS) then you should find (at least
on wXPsp2) that clicking _Title:, _Subject:, A_uthor:, or any of the
others will *not* focus the associated text area.

OTOH, pressing alt-t will focus Title:'s associated input field and
similarly for the other elements.

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