Alexey Proskuryakov wrote:

Nov 14, 2008, в 1:20 AM, Jonas Sicking написал(а):

If we don't make the above change, I think that we should remove
startConversation(). It doesn't offer enough different functionality
over passing a |new MessageChannel().port2| to be worth the extra API

No, this is *exactly* the same functionality as passing |new MessageChannel().port2| through postMessage.

For the sake of completeness, a connect/startConversation method on a worker really should automatically open the receiving port - this is what examples posted so far implied, and it would cause a lot of aggravation if it didn't. I know I'm often forgetting to open the port when writing my tests, and it's not a very easy mistake to spot.

a port is automatically "opened" ('started' per spec) when you set the onmessage property or when you call .start() on it. This is required if we want to allow ports to be passed around several steps (i.e. to an worker inside an iframe inside an iframe) without having race conditions.

Note that this is unrelated to the workers spec as MessagePorts are defined in HTML5

At this point I have to ask what the problem you are trying to solve is? What is wrong with the current spec as is?

Not speaking for Aaron, of course, but...

Besides API usability that we've already discussed back and forth without reaching an agreement,

What are the API usability issues you have with the current API? It's the goals here that I think we need to agree on before we can have useful discussions around the proposals.

I'm very much concerned about the current spec being implementable in its current form. It has a lot of notions and algorithms that are not correctly defined. For a randomly picked example:

Each WorkerGlobalScope worker global scope has a list of the worker's ports, which consists of all the MessagePort objects that are entangled with another port and that have one (but only one) port owned by worker global scope. This list includes all the MessagePort objects that are in events pending in the queue of events, as well as the implicit MessagePort in the case of dedicated workers.

In an async processing model, there is simply no way for the receiver to have a list of all objects that were posted to it - it's exactly the reason for the existence of the queue that events are delivered asynchronously and cannot be peeked before being delivered. For example, in a multi-process implementation, these events may still be across process boundary.

Note that this list of ports is not exposed to any API. Honestly I'm not really sure why the spec says that you need a list at all, other than maybe to talk about GC (which i've many times mentioned I think the spec should not need to "define").

Also (from HTML5):
Each MessagePort object can be entangled with another (a symmetric relationship).

It is not possible to have a symmetric relationship in an asynchronous messaging model - we need a multi-step entagling/unentangling protocol, so the relationship is necessarily asymmetric. One can't freeze another process (or really, even another thread) to change something in it synchronously.

Actually, the entanglement can be dealt with asyncronously, although it's a bit complicated and unperformant. This can be trivially changed though without making any changes to the API. I'll start a separate thread on that since this is not part of the workers spec.

Some instances of implied synchronous thinking can be corrected rather easily, but not all of them. So, I do not really see how anyone can claim implementing the spec, or even a subset of it at this point.

Feel free to try our implementation of a subset of the spec ;)

It's available here and runs example 1.1.1 and 1.1.3 just fine.

We're using separate threads for workers, not separate processes, but nothing we are doing couldn't be done across processes rather than across threads.

/ Jonas

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