1) The algorithm assumes that a WorkerGlobalScope exists, and doesn't specify what happens if it is invoked before WorkerGlobalScope is created (e.g. if the script is still being loaded, or the scope is being created, but Worker.terminate() is called from JS). I think that the right behavior is to re-invoke the algorithm after the scope is created, because it may be too late to prevent its creation.

2) Events in WorkerGlobalScope event queue are dropped when terminating a worker, but messages posted to Worker are not. I think that the expected behavior is that after calling Worker.terminate(), no messages will be dispatched to worker's event listeners.

3) "If there are any events in the queue of events other than the close event that this algorithm just added, discard them without dispatching them." - I don't see where the close event is added for terminate algorithm, and this looks like a copy/paste mistake, because the event won't be dispatched anyway.

- WBR, Alexey Proskuryakov

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