Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:

Take this as an example:

<video src=""; controls>
 <text category="CC" lang="en" type="text/x-srt" src=""></text>
 <text category="SUB" lang="de" type="application/ttaf+xml"
 <text category="SUB" lang="jp" type="application/smil"
 <text category="SUB" lang="fr" type="text/x-srt"

Could this combining of resources be achieved instead with SMIL or some other existing format?

If there is already a format for doing this then I think HTML should avoid re-inventing it unless HTML's version is better in some way.

On the other hand, if what is invented for HTML is indeed better in some way, it's likely to also be valuable outside of HTML, for example in situations where SMIL is used today. (For example, loading a video and its subtitles directly into a standalone player without needing to manually load both streams.)

What are the advantages of doing this directly in HTML rather than having the "src" attribute point at some sort of compound media document?

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