Calogero Alex Baldacchino wrote:
This is why I was thinking about somewhat "data-rdfa-about", "data-rdfa-property", "data-rdfa-content" and so on, so that, for the purposes of an RDFa processor working on top of HTML5 UAs (perhaps in a test phase, if needed at all, of course), an element dataset would give access to "rdfa-about", instead of just "about", that is using the prefix "rdfa-" as acting as a namespace prefix in xml (hence, as if there were "rdfa:about" instead of "data-rdfa-about" in the markup).

That clashed with the documented purpose of data-*.

*If* we want to support RDFa, why not add the attributes the way they are already named???

However, AIUI, actual xml serialization (xhtml5) allows the use of namespaces and prefixed attributes, thus couldn't a proper namespace be introduced for RDFa attributes, so they can be used, if needed, in xhtml5 documents? I think such might be a valuable choice, because it seems to me RDFa attributes can be used to address such cases where metadata must stay as close as possible to correspondent data, but a mistake in a piece of markup may trigger the adoption agency or foster parenting algorithms, eventually causing a separation between metadata and content, thus possibly breaking reliability of gathered informations. From this perspective, a parser stopping on the very first error might give a quicker feedback than one rearranging misnested elements as far as it is reasonably possible (not affecting, and instead improving, content presentation and users' "direct" experience, but possibly causing side-effects with metadata).

That would make RDFa as used in XHTML 1.* and RDFa used in HTML 5 incompatible. What for?

> ...

BR, Julian

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