Dan Brickley wrote:

... I guess the fact that @property is supposed to be CURIE-only isn't a problem with parsers since this can be understood as a CURIE with no (or
empty) substitution token.

Actually, most RDFa parsers will break if full URIs are used in RDFa attributes: in RDFa all CURIEs need a prefix which is a string of zero or more alphanumeric characters, dashes and hyphens followed by a colon (and yes, the empty string is allowed - but it is permanently bound to <http://www.w3.org/1999/xhtml/vocab#>). The proposed recommendation (IIRC, that's the current status) for CURIEs *does* actually allow for unprefixed CURIES, but RDFa enforces extra conditions. (As it was published before the CURIE spec, which is a spin-off of RDFa.)

A suggestion I've heard for using full URIs is:

        <html xmlns:http="http:">
          <title property="http://purl.org/dc/terms/title";>Foo</title>

Which should theoretically work according to the reference algorithm in the RDFa syntax document, however it does (I believe) break the XML Namespaces spec. (Though that wouldn't be a problem if an alternative, non-xmlns, syntax were adopted for CURIE prefix binding.) It wouldn't surprise me if a few RDFa parsers had issues with this caused by the front-end XML parser they use.

So RDFa, as it is currently defined, does need a CURIE binding mechanism. XML namespaces are used for XHTML+RDFa 1.0, but given that namespaces don't work in HTML, an alternative mechanism for defining them is expected, and for consistency would probably be allowed in XHTML too - albeit in a future version of XHTML+RDFa, as 1.0 is already finalised. (I don't speak for the RDFa task force as I am not a member, but I would be surprised if many of them disagreed with me strongly on this.)

Back to when I said "most RDFa parsers will break if full URIs are used in RDFa attributes". The Perl library RDF::RDFa::Parser doesn't, so if you want to do any testing with full URIs, it can be found on CPAN. Full URIs are a pain to type though - I certainly prefer using CURIEs.

Toby A Inkster

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