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From: Innovimax SARL <innovi...@gmail.com>
Date: Fri, Apr 3, 2009 at 9:37 AM
Subject: Re: HTML 5 remarks on typo
To: wha...@whatwg.org


Here are some updated comments : good job most of the typo are now out

 == Some css properties are emphasized and other not ==
 In The dir attribute
 CSS 'direction' and 'unicode-bidi' properties
 are not emphasized as
 in 4.6.21 The bdo element
 requirements by implementing the CSS unicode-bidi property. [CSS21]

 == Choose between ==

 initialize and initialise (DONE)
 absence and absense (DONE)
 authorize and authorise (DONE)
 behaviour and behavior (still one )
 code point and codepoint (a lot of this one)
 invokation and invocation (DONE)

> You used en version for
> Localisation (with an S) (DONE)

 == Typo ==
 s/appplies/applies/ (DONE)
 s/attribte/attribute/ (DONE)
 s/attributs/attributes/ (DONE)
 s/backgound/background/ (DONE)
 s/betwen/between/ (DONE)
 s/chacacters/characters/ (DONE)
 s/chosing/choosing/ (DONE)
 s/clipbroad/clipboard/ (DONE)
 s/befor /before / (DONE)
 s/conjuction/conjunction/ (REMOVED)
 s/corstructors/constructors/ (DONE)
 s/declaraing/declaring/ (DONE)
 s/decsendant/descendant/ (DONE)
 s/descendent/descendant/ (DONE)
 s/detais/details/ (DONE)
 s/ eding/ ending/ (DONE)
 s/errorneous/erroneous/ (DONE)
 s/explictly/explicitly/ (DONE)
 s/inteface/interface/ (DONE)
 s/musn't/mustn't/ (DONE)
 s/negotation/negotiation/ (DONE)
 s/numberic/numeric/ (DONE)
 s/occured/occurred/ (DONE)

 s/occurances/occurrences/ (STILL THERE)

 s/ofsets/offsets/ (DONE)
 s/ ommited/ omitted/ (DONE)
 s/particlar/particular/ (DONE)
 s/perferm/perform/ (DONE)
 s/preceeded/preceded/ (DONE)
 s/preceeding/preceding/ (DONE)
 s/pronounciations/pronunciations/ (DONE)

 s/asychronously/asynchronously/ (STILL THERE)


Innovimax SARL
Consulting, Training & XML Development
9, impasse des Orteaux
75020 Paris
Tel : +33 9 52 475787
Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
RCS Paris 488.018.631
SARL au capital de 10.000 €

Innovimax SARL
Consulting, Training & XML Development
9, impasse des Orteaux
75020 Paris
Tel : +33 9 52 475787
Fax : +33 1 4356 1746
RCS Paris 488.018.631
SARL au capital de 10.000 €

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