At 15:46  +1000 8/04/09, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
On Wed, Apr 8, 2009 at 8:37 AM, David Singer <> wrote:

 > But there is a huge difference between

 a) the UA MUST optimize for the chosen fragment, and may/should offer the
 rest of the resource to the user (at the possible expense of more network


 b) the UA MUST only offer the chosen fragment to the user, and optimize
 network traffic and downloads for just that section, and MUST NOT allow
 navigation outside the indicated range

 Unfortunately, it does make a difference to the page author which of these
 is talked about (and, lacking anything else, (a) is probably what is

Navigation outside the indicated range could be done in several ways -
it does not have to be through indicating the full length of the
resource in the timeline.

surely. but which one can the URL/page author expect? If I pick an innocuous scene out of an R-rated movie and put it on a web page for children, can they easily see other parts of the movie or not?
David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

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