[whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should be optional?</span></a></span> </h1> <p class="darkgray font13"> <span class="sender pipe"><a href="/search?l=whatwg@lists.whatwg.org&q=from:%22%C3%98istein+E+.+Andersen%22" rel="nofollow"><span itemprop="author" itemscope itemtype="http://schema.org/Person"><span itemprop="name">Øistein E . Andersen</span></span></a></span> <span class="date"><a href="/search?l=whatwg@lists.whatwg.org&q=date:20090417" rel="nofollow">Fri, 17 Apr 2009 12:49:51 -0700</a></span> </p> </div> <div itemprop="articleBody" class="msgBody"> <!--X-Body-of-Message--> <tt>HTML can be used as an advanced text format, and people may want to </tt><tt>convert existing plain text to HTML. For example's sake, consider the </tt><tt>following: </tt><pre style="margin: 0em;"> </pre><blockquote style="border-left: #5555EE solid 0.2em; margin: 0em; padding-left: 0.85em"><pre style="margin: 0em;"> A Short Document ~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~~ This is a short plain-text document which someone might want to convert into HTML.</pre><pre> As faithful readers of this list will recall, /Règles typographiques/ requires note names to be typeset in italics (/ut/, /ré/, /mi/, etc.), which is not possible in plain text. </pre></blockquote><pre style="margin: 0em;"> This corresponds to the following HTML: </pre><blockquote style="border-left: #5555EE solid 0.2em; margin: 0em; padding-left: 0.85em"><pre style="margin: 0em;"> <h1>A Short Document</h1> <p>This is a short plain-text document which someone might want to convert into HTML. <p>As faithful readers of this list will recall, <i>Règles typographiques</i> requires note names to be typeset in italics (<i>ut</i>, <i>ré</i>, <i>mi</i>, etc.), which is not possible in plain text. </pre></blockquote><pre style="margin: 0em;"> </pre><tt>Unfortunately, this is not valid; the following two lines must be </tt><tt>added to the top: </tt><pre style="margin: 0em;"> </pre><blockquote style="border-left: #5555EE solid 0.2em; margin: 0em; padding-left: 0.85em"><pre style="margin: 0em;"> <!DOCTYPE html> <title>A Short Document</title> </pre></blockquote><pre style="margin: 0em;"> </pre><tt>The DOCTYPE is unfortunate, but seems impossible to get rid of at this </tt><tt>point. </tt><pre style="margin: 0em;"> </pre><tt>A <title> is usually a good idea, but is it really necessary to </tt><tt>require this for conformance? After all, a <title> is not something </tt><tt>which an author is likely to forget, and leaving it out has no </tt><tt>unexpected consequences. </tt><pre style="margin: 0em;"> -- Øistein E. Andersen</pre> </div> <div class="msgButtons margintopdouble"> <ul class="overflow"> <li class="msgButtonItems"><a class="button buttonleft " accesskey="p" href="msg14435.html">Previous message</a></li> <li class="msgButtonItems textaligncenter"><a class="button" accesskey="c" href="thrd8.html#14438">View by thread</a></li> <li class="msgButtonItems textaligncenter"><a class="button" accesskey="i" href="mail9.html#14438">View by date</a></li> <li class="msgButtonItems textalignright"><a class="button buttonright " accesskey="n" href="msg14451.html">Next message</a></li> </ul> </div> <a name="tslice"></a> <div class="tSliceList margintopdouble"> <ul class="icons monospace"> <li class="icons-email tSliceCur"><span class="subject">[whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should <title>...</span> <span class="sender italic">Øistein E . Andersen</span></li> <li><ul> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg14451.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should <...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Kristof Zelechovski</span></li> <li><ul> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg15241.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should ...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Ian Hickson</span></li> <li><ul> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg15246.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Sho...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Michael Enright</span></li> </ul></li> </ul></li> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg14441.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should <...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Randy Drielinger</span></li> <li><ul> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg14442.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Should ...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Michael Enright</span></li> <li><ul> <li class="icons-email"><span class="subject"><a href="msg14449.html">Re: [whatwg] HTML as a text format: Sho...</a></span> <span class="sender italic">Øistein E . 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