On Thu, 14 May 2009 22:30:41 +0200, Shelley Powers <shell...@burningbird.net> 

>> I'm not 100% sure microdata can really achieve this, but I think making  
>> the attempt is a positive step.
> It can't, don't you see?
> Microdata will only work in HTML5/XHTML5.

Actually, as specified, it would work for any text/html and any XHTML content. 
It would just be valid in (X)HTML5, but it would work even if the input is not 
valid (X)HTML5 or looks like HTML4 or XHTML 1.1.

> XHTML 1.1 and yes, 2.0 will be  
> around for years, decades. In addition, XHTML5 already supports RDFa.

XHTML5 supports RDFa to the same extent that XHTML 1.1 supports microdata (in 
both cases, it would work but is not valid).

Simon Pieters
Opera Software

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