On Tue, 19 May 2009 07:03:14 +0100, Benjamin Hawkes-Lewis <bhawkesle...@googlemail.com> wrote:

On 18/5/09 22:28, Benjamin M. Schwartz wrote:
Then I will attempt to convince you. Suppose the additional attribute is
a boolean called "decorative", defaulting to "false" if not present.

Note that /if/ ARIA roles are ultimately incorporated in text/html, that would more or less duplicate role="presentation".


Good spot, Benjamin.

Hixie said in an interview I did with him

"..The plan is to make sure ARIA and HTML5 work well together. Right now I’m waiting for ARIA to be complete (there are a number of last call comments that they haven’t yet replied to), and for the ARIA implementation rules to be clearer (it’s not yet obvious as I understand it what should happen when ARIA says a checkbox is a radio button, for instance). Once that is cleared up, I expect HTML 5 will give a list of conformance criteria saying where ARIA attributes can be used and saying how they should be implemented in browsers."


So perhaps this is a leverageable synergy?

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