Chris Holland: But you're right, this is all a lot of end-user intervention: it would
be a slightly, err, very painful process of installing a browser
plugin, which is currently very-much of a user opt-in process, and not
something very practical.

[...]. I'm just trying to find ways to leverage a lot of what's already there.

Yes, I don't like the idea of requiring users to act. But I see what you were tying to do with reuse.

Interesting thing is the same scheme could be leveraged for local CSS

I thought about this as well, but CSS is far less likely to be duplicated across multiple sites. There are plenty of CSS Frameworks but I feel that none have picked up enough dominance for this kind of optimization to be useful.

You do mention what looks like urn schemes and extending this idea to CSS. I was specifically thinking of javascript because of its widespread use of libraries/frameworks. Using URN Schemes could let this repository idea extend to more then just javascript, however I don't think any other type of resource (CSS, Images, Etc.) have this unique pattern of "the exact same content being served on thousands of different domains."

<link rel="local:extension" type="text/css" href="ext:ibdom. 0.2.js" />

To handle users who don't have the "ibdom" javascript extension
installed, developers could add something like this to their document:
(assuming a decent library which declares a top-level

<script type="text/javascript">
if (!window.IBDOM) {
var newScript = document.createElement("script");

Although the idea is the same (have a fall back plan if a repository lookup is ignored or fails), I think this is needlessly complex compared to just adding a new attribute on the <script> tag. By extending the script tag you already have fall back behavior to just download the script from the "src" attribute.

If you take the <link> approach then you're practically requiring that you need to write fault tolerant code like you showed above, and that is no fun for web developers.


The more I think about it, the more I think this might not necessarily be a web standards idea. More of a browser optimization, however it would never take off unless it was standardized. I don't know what to do about this... CDN Caching, like Google's Hosted Libraries, is more generic but less optimized. Maybe this is just a special case?

- Joe

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