On Tue, 23 Jun 2009 21:42:18 -0400, Ojan Vafai <o...@chromium.org> wrote:

Currently, textareas and text inputs support the "oninput" event that fires
on all user-initiated modifications to their content. We should add this
event to contentEditable elements as well and add an "action" property the
specifies what action the user took that caused the input event.

We should also add a cancellable "onbeforeinput" event.

I threw an 'input' event doc <http://shadow2531.com/opera/testcases/oninput/html5_input_event_support.html> together, which includes 'input' and 'beforeinput' for contentEditable elements and documents in designMode. It also includes the .action property.

Those are just my basic thoughts of how things should/could work.

However, I didn't yet mention what a value change for contentEditable elements means. (Like that it's when the underlying markup changes)

I also left the list for the valid action property values empty, since those would have to be agreed upon etc.


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