
1) in http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/#common-dom-interfaces

"When the attribute is absent, then the string represented by the object is the empty string; when the object mutates this empty string, the user agent must first add the corresponding content attribute, and then mutate that attribute instead"

Does it mean it should fire two DOMAttrModified events, one with the empty string addition, and the other with the attribute mutation?

I think it should simply fire only one mutation event in that case as in all other cases (should be simpler and more efficient, although that case shouldn't happen very often). I don't see a good reason to fire one with the empty string.

2) (using the class attribute for the discussion) What should happen when you do a remove("foo") on an element which has no class attribute?

My understanding is that it shouldn't add a class attribute with an empty string. That's because the remove() algorithm starts with an empty string and doesn't change it, so the " when the object mutates this empty string, " case shouldn't be true (and thus no attribute modification should happen).

However Simon's testcase [1] doesn't agree with this, and adds an empty string. So maybe it's worth clarifying this situation?


[1] http://simon.html5.org/test/html/dom/reflecting/DOMTokenList/getting/009.htm

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