On 13/7/09 11:06, Ian Hickson wrote:
On Tue, 16 Jun 2009, Alpha Omega wrote:
I think it would be useful to add "fullscreenable" (or more refined
name) attribute to arbitrary element, so users could be able to
full-screen DOM subtrees, that document author marked as

Usage: User choses area that he wants to fullscreen, peforms UA-specific
action there("go to fullscreen" in context menu in desktop browsers, or
gesture on mobile devices for example), UA goes up in DOM tree until it
founds "fullscreenable" attribute, and then "fullscreens" this subtree.
If "fullscreenable" attribute is not found, then it is UA authors
decision what to do - for example fullscreen entire page.

Should UAs always put users in control of this?

ie. everything in principle is "fullscreenable", but this indicator would be a strong hint that this chunk of content makes special sense to be treated in this manner.

Use case: Not only solves problem with<video>  tag, but also useful for
mobile UAs (users could use it to "zoom" to author defined parts, on
pages with complex layouts.), and for interactive webapps in general

I think this would be an interesting idea. I haven't any idea what the UI
would look like though. I recommend approaching vendors directly and
getting their input and experimental implementations, as described here:


I like the idea of being able to go full-screen. I'd encourage talking to Web accessibility folk before going to far with a proposal / implementation...



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