Aryeh Gregor wrote on 7/21/2009 5:34 PM: 
> If we could do reports only, then we would probably publish the data
> live in some form, yes.

If it's desirable to add a 'report only' feature to CSP, I'd prefer see a 
second CSP-related header (X-Content-Security-Policy-ReportOnly???) that 
implements it rather than adding it to the CSP header.  The presence of both 
headers (CSP and CSPReportOnly) would mean both would be acted upon.

There's already been some discussion that authors would iteratively relax CSP 
until their site worked.  I can see where an author enables ReportOnly, their 
site suddenly works and they mistakenly believe it's properly configured and 
actively protecting their site.

- Bil

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