On Fri, 24 Jul 2009 13:03:46 +0200, Eduard Pascual <herenva...@gmail.com> wrote:
> <The point>
> I do not doubt of Ian's good faith, nor of his huge effort in making
> HTML5 the best possible thing it might be. However, I doubt of the
> sanity of having an individual to have the final say about any topic,
> even above expert groups that have been researched and discussed the
> topic for years.

But he does _not_ have a final say on _any_ topic. The HTML WG has. And 
ultimately the Director.

> Honestly, I can't say for sure which method would be best for HTML;
> but I'm still convinced that having a single gatekeeper with absolute
> power over the next web standard is, at least, insane.
> </The point>

Agreed, but that is false.

Since the WHATWG list is on the cc list, this also goes for the WHATWG. If the 
WHATWG members (see the WHATWG charter; full disclaimer: I'm one of them) 
decide that Ian is no longer making good decisions they can override him as 

Ultimately implementors of Web browsers can also decide not to adopt the 
specification. Authors can do the same. There's quite a lot of checks and 
balances I think. Way more for instance than with the _six_-month HTML4 process.

Anne van Kesteren

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