At 18:19  -0400 30/07/09, Joshua Cranmer wrote:
David Singer wrote:
Against that, one has to realize that "the label of the day before X" is well-defined for the day before the introduction of the Gregorian calendar, and iteratively going back to year 1, year 0, year -1, and so on.
In neither the Gregorian nor the Julian calendars is there a year 0, as used in conventional speech (formats designed for machine computation treat the issue a little differently).

Right. I was specifically referring to Proleptic Gregorian Calendar in the specification ISO 8601, which does. This makes arithmetic ('how many years') and leap calculations ('is X a leap year') simpler.


'Mathematically, it is more convenient to include a year zero and represent earlier years as negative, for the specific purpose of facilitating the calculation of the number of years between a negative (BC) year and a positive (AD) year. This is the convention used in astronomical year numbering and in the international standard date system, ISO 8601. In these systems, the year 0 is a leap year.

ISO 8601:
NOTE In the proleptic Gregorian calendar, the calendar year [0000] is a leap year.

David Singer
Multimedia Standards, Apple Inc.

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