On Fri, Aug 14, 2009 at 3:45 AM, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> On Fri, 7 Aug 2009, Jonas Sicking wrote:
> >
> > I agree that these are very interesting features. Especially connection
> > multiplexing is something that I think is a good idea, for the reasons
> > you've mentioned elsewhere in this thread (multiple widgets on the same
> > page).
> How do you envisage multiplexing working? It's not clear to me what we
> could do that would be easier to handle than just having the script
> manually do the multiplexing at the application layer.

I could say the same thing about redirects and authentication.  I think all
of these features can be worked around , so they shouldn't be in v1, but
they should be the first things considered for v2.

That said....

> What would the API
> look like?

It seems like it could be done transparently to the web developer.  If you
open 2 sockets to the same server, the UA could just open another "channel"
on the same connection.

> What would the wire level look like?

It could be as simple as this: An extra byte or two at the beginning of
every message that says which "channel" is transmitting.  A way to send
control messages, two of which would be used to open and close channels.

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