Suggested grammatical corrections for:
Draft Standard
(Aug. 18, 06:53:04 AM EDT)
[S]UBSTITUTE//correct//incorrect// < - - (reason for correction)

2.1.5 Plugins

"it is expected to be user-agent- and platform-specific. "

S//platform- and user-agent specific//user-agent- and
platform-specific// < - - (match usage of "user-agent specific"


2.4.5 Dates and times

"Implementators are therefore encouraged to carefully examine any date
parsing libraries"

S//Implementors//Implementators// < - - (match usage throughout document)


2.6 Fetching resources

"resource is to be obtained using a idempotent action"

S//an idempotent//a idempotent// < - - ("using an ... action")


3.2.4 DOM tree accessors

"A call to document.getElementById('example').getElementsByClassName('bbb
 ccc ') would return the same thing."

S//('bbb  ccc')//('bbb  ccc ')// < - - (unintended whitespace assumed)


4.3.1 The script element

"The exact processing details for these attributes is described below."

S//are described//is described// < - - ("details ... are described")

--- Text

"property-independent stylesheet syntax"

S//style sheet//stylesheet// < - - (match usage throughout document
when not used as keyword/element name)

--- Processing model

"some other non-visible text, in a user-agent-defined fashion..."

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined// < - - (match usage
throughout document)


4.10.4 The input element

"table is non-normative and summarises which content attributes"

S//summarizes//summarises// < - - (match the only other instance of usage)

--- Radio Button state

"Either neither a nor b have a form owner, or they both have one and
it is the same for both."

S//Either a and b both have no form owner//Either neither a nor b have
a form owner// < - - (rewrote "either neither")


6.1.2 Auxiliary browsing contexts

"contexts that are related to a top level browsing context"

S//top-level browsing//top level browsing// < - - (match usage
throughout document)


9.2 Parsing HTML documents

"report more than one parse error condition if more than one parse
error conditions exist in the document."

S//condition exists//conditions exist// < - - ("report more than one"
/ "more than one ... exists")


11.4.1 Introduction

"snippets below set the 'binding' property to a user-agent-defined value"

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined// < - - (match usage
throughout document)


11.4.10 The input element as a button

"element's type attribute in a user-agent-defined (and probably
locale-specific) fashion"

S//user-agent defined//user-agent-defined// < - - (match usage
throughout document)


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