Aryeh Gregor wrote:
> On Thu, Aug 27, 2009 at 11:14 AM, Schuyler Duveen<> 
> wrote:
>> 1. To run Doom requiring 500M of localStorage sounds like an
>> 'application'--both users and developers currently have the expectation
>> that users have to approve something like that before being installed to
>> their computers to consume possibly valuable resources.  A preliminary
>> prompt to the user sounds reasonable and expected here.
> I expect 500 MB will require a prompt by anyone's standards, yes,
> unless maybe the user has a terabyte of free disk space.
>> 3. If the developer is presented with an unprompted option to store data
>>  permanently or just have it 'cached'--I'm not sure why the developer
>> (both the nefarious and the good) would ever opt for the only-cached
>> version.
> For the same reason developers write files in /tmp.
If it's user-specific, then why not just use sessionStorage?

If it's non-user specific (e.g. defaults) or cachable user-data, why not
have it cached with normal HTTP as a file, with an XHR (with allow
caching headers)?


>> In concluding, many thanks to all those that are working on HTML5 (esp.
>> the browser vendors).  It's an exciting time to be a web developer.
> Indeed!

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