According to, "The following elements are not in HTML 5 because their usage affected usability and accessibility for the end user in a negative way:
   * frame
   * frameset
   * noframes"

As Andrew Fedoniouk said on this list in 2007 (, "There are use cases when frames are good. As an example: online (and offline) help systems ... In such cases they provide level of usability higher than any other method of presenting content of such type."

I agree wholeheartedly, esp. when the topic list is long (thousands or millions of items) and itself editable, and the required interface is for flexible, independent scrolling of freely choosable bits of the topic tree in the left frame without affecting anything in the right detail frame. As Andrew said, frames are the only good way to do this.

New standards ought not to remove required functionalities, ought not to break perfectly good & legal working code, and ought not to impose Hobson's choice of keeping functionality vs remaining standards-compliant. How do we get the unwise decision to remove framesets revisited?

Peter Brawley

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