On Mon, Oct 12, 2009 at 6:01 PM, Peter Brawley <p...@artfulsoftware.com> wrote:
> The use case that mainly motivates my objection to
> this says that the datatree maintenance page must function as a black box
> with no internal HTML bookmarking at all---except for exit, navigation must
> be controlled entirely by database/tree logic. The argument is not,
> therefore, that HTML5 should support new methods of bookmark blocking. The
> argument is that for this use case, which is best served by framesets till
> proved otherwise (and no-one has yet), the bookmark objection to framesets
> is invalid.

You have not proven why "this use case [...] is best served by
framesets" either. Actually, framesets alone don't answer your
requirement, you have to add:
 - a bit of JavaScript to use location.replace(...) in your links to
simulate a "single page application"
 - a bit of something to "block bookmarking" (user cannot use right
click -> open this frame in a new tab/window); unless we don't have
the same definition for "no internal HTML bookmarking"

I say that your use case is best served by AJAX (à la Google Document
Reader, just without the history trick using the location's hash).

Thomas Broyer

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