Tab Atkins Jr. schrieb:
On Mon, Oct 19, 2009 at 3:49 AM, Markus Ernst <> wrote:
What do you think about:

1. Defining which ids are to be replaced:
- The list of IDs to replace is in <base> tag, as described earlier in this
thread. <a> and <form> elements can have a boolean @onlyreplace attribute
that specifically enables or disables the functionality for the element.
- If at least one of the IDs is found in the linked document, replace the
IDs that are found. Ignore IDs that are not present in the linked document,
or in the document that contains the link (important for dynamic
applications, so the <head> section is not forced to know the state of the
- If none of the indicated IDs are found, *replace the whole page*. This
makes it possible to prevent e.g. a wiki or forum from being @onlyreplaced
by just using different IDs.

I'm definitely for the last one.  As well, if you recieve any response
that indicates the resource you've gotten isn't what you asked for
(like a 404 status code), also replace the whole page.

I am sorry I expressed myself in a misunderstandable way... I did not mean this as alternatives, but as a description of "how it works" from the author/user point of view - what happens if not all IDs mentioned in the onlyreplace list are found either in the page that contains the link, or in the page linked to:
- if one or more IDs are found, replace those elements only
- if none are found, replace the whole page

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