On Tue, Oct 27, 2009 at 01:17, Ian Hickson <i...@hixie.ch> wrote:

> The connection might get closed at any point, e.g. between the script
> checking if the connection might be closed and the script calling the
> send() method. Because of this, if we raised an exception when the
> connection was closed, we'd run the risk of the script randomly throwing
> an exception in a way that the author likely did not check for.
> This isn't a problem for the CONNECTING case, since there is an event that
> fires before the script can use the send() method, and thus the author is
> unlikely to accidentally run into that exception in a way that wouldn't
> be quickly caught in testing.

Makes sense. Thanks!

Avi Flax » Partner » Arc90 » http://arc90.com

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