On Sun, Nov 8, 2009 at 11:39 AM, David Gerard <dger...@gmail.com> wrote:
> Actually, no - readers have *way* outstripped editors since about
> 2006. It's not even the "tech-savvy" or "web-savvy" audience -
> Wikipedia is standard fare for people who can't work computers to look
> stuff up on.

Granted, registered users are <5% of views last I heard, but there are
biases in every sample.  Regular Wikipedia readers tend to be
disproportionately young, for instance, which means more browsing from
home and fewer on corporate networks who are locked into IE.  You
can't really say what the most popular browser is on the whole web.
(Well, you can: it's IE.  But you can't really say by how much,

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