Fabian Freiburg schrieb:
The "base" element is very helpful. Trouble is that it affects all relative links and "src" attributes. Especially for the "src" attributes it would be very useful if it could define a context or media type to which it belongs. With this it would be possible to define a "base" URI fore. g. images, javascripts or stylesheets. Furthermore it would be very easy to use a CDN for serving static media files. There are probably some more advantages.
I don't really understand why or when you need this addition. I personally use <base> only if I rewrite the URI to some sub-directory stuff. (index.php?page=download&action=view&name=foobar gets /download/view:foobar)

Or do you want to use it to specify, that all images can be found in upload/images/?

MfG Nikita Popov

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