I think the idea of replacing the alt-attribute by the content of img is very good. An image used as an <img> needs to be content-related an therefore you often could place a descriptive text into it. This would lead us to img being only a normal HTML-element with normal content, but the ability of specifying an image by "src".

On the problem of implementation:
<img src="borken_url.jpg" style="white-space:pre; font-family:monospace"><span style="white-space:pre; font-family:monospace">Test
If the browser knows the syntax, it'll render correct, if not it'll render correct only in case broken_url.jpg is really broken. Otherwise the text would be underneath it. So you would need to position the span over the img.

I don't know whether it's worth the effort, but it would be a better syntax than alt, in my eyes.

Nikita Popov

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