Le 08/01/2010 06:13, Nikita Popov a écrit :
I think everyone who uses PHP, JavaScript, a.s.o. knows, that at some point the user makes something wrong and you want to throw an error ("Your email's not valid (MX-Record not set.)") or an information ("You have logged in successfully.").

Know I do this using <div id="error"> or <div id="info"> analogically.

As errors or other direct responses to user interaction are not the same as some different text, I think there should be a possibility to mark them up appropriately.

I first searched in the Spec for some existing elements for output, but only found <samp> which is for sample output only.

I don't quite know which element name to use best, maybe:

<output error> / <output info(rmation)>
<output type="error"> / <output type="info(rmation)">
(The question is, what is <output>, error or info?)

What do you think?
First of all, an <output> element already exists :

"The output element represents the result of a calculation."

What I have understood about it is that it is a sort of opposite of the the <input> element. In HTML 4, in order to display results of calculations, authors used to have an <input readonly id="output"> which was kind of absurd. The current <output> element seems to be here to fill this gap.

Is it enough for your needs ?


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