On 2/10/10 6:55 PM, Mathias Schäfer wrote:
In a JavaScript tutorial, I wanted to explain what DOMContentLoaded
actually does.

It fires once the parser has consumed the entire input stream, such that you can rely on all the parser-created DOM nodes being present. This is true in all implementations of DOMContentLoaded. What is not consistent is the ordering of this event with the loading of various subresources.

1. Am I right that HTML5 will standardize Opera's pure DOMContentLoaded
model, never waiting for stylesheets? My assumption is that this will
break compatibility with the current Gecko and Webkit implementations.

Gecko currently does not wait on stylesheet loads to complete before firing DOMContentLoaded. They might complete before the parser is done, or they might not.

2. Does the HTML5 parser specify that external stylesheets defer
external script execution? As far as I understand the specs, it doesn't.

http://www.whatwg.org/specs/web-apps/current-work/multipage/scripting-1.html#running-a-script step 8 the cases that talk about "a style sheet blocking scripts" specify this.

I really wish those steps had individual IDs, and so did the cases inside them. It'd make it a lot easier to link to them!

In Gecko and IE, the loading of stylesheets also defers the execution of
subsequent *inline* scripts. I haven't found a rule for that in the
HTML5 parsing algorithm either.

See above.


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