On Tue, Feb 23, 2010 at 6:45 PM, Boris Zbarsky <bzbar...@mit.edu> wrote:

> On 2/23/10 1:12 PM, Jose Fandos wrote:
>>    2)  A multipart response with the files as parts, each part having
>>    "Content-Disposition: attachment".
>> as far as I know, and I could be wrong, this would suffer from what I
>> described in a), i.e. there would be a dialog propping up to accept each
>> downloaded file.
> Currently yes, but that seems like a UI issue, not a spec issue. Nothing
> _requires_ that behavior of UAs.
> I'd prefer just having a header in multipart responses to flag that all the
> files should probably be saved to the same location, or fixing UAs to only
> prompt once, to inventing yet another package format here.

I shall file in a bug in bugzilla if there is none covering this already.
But would it be too much of a stretch to use the same package format and
almost the same process as the one defined for resource packages, in case
that gets into the spec? Again, because this would eventually get taken up
by everyone following the standard.


> -Boris

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