On Thu, 04 Mar 2010 13:05:13 +0100, Stewart Brodie <stewart.bro...@antplc.com> wrote:
Is this documented anywhere?

On some W3C mailing list archive I think.

By "compatibility problems", presumably you
mean bugs in Firefox that were then exploited by content authors who didn't know better? From Maciej's description of WebKit's behaviour, it looks like either they didn't know about this consensus or they didn't implement it compatibly.

I forgot the details.

This definitely needs to be documented in HTML5.

It seems it should be specified in the new version of DOM Core.

Are there any more retrospective changes to fundamental behaviour specified in DOM Core in the pipeline that I need to know about? I already know about the one in DOM Event about capturing listeners being called in the target

Well, features that are not implemented are planned to be dropped. Don't recall anything else right now.

That leaves the issue of how adoptNode() affects the [[Prototype]] of the
node objects, which is currently inconsistent between desktop browsers.
Opera & Chrome agree with each other (that the [[Prototype]] is unchanged);
Firefox disagrees (it changes the [[Prototype]] to be that it would have
been if the node had been created anew in the destination document).

Anne van Kesteren

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