> When I was using MacOS X, I hated how the contact application was
> restyling my phone numbers.
> By the way, it lets me think about something: the telephone state can
> still be used for autocomplete with phones from contacts.
> --
> Mounir

Good one, Mounir.

Tab, this does not means only formatting, but the input length will differ
too much.

Uruguay for example, has only 6 digits number, 8 with international leading
Brazil has 9 or 10, depending on the region, plus 2 with international
leading code.

That's the point. But as I said, when we have some standard for it (I doubt
of this, but let's suppose it), we can put this inside locales
configuration. This is a nice idea. Anyway, backend programmer will still
need to sanitize this input somehow. Yeah, I do not see much light for this

Hugs, Davis.

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