I am making a elearing tool for while i have trying to go with some xml

The basic of this xml is to make a meta/wrapper format for e-learning
resource delivery. Resource can be html, images, odp , video , audio.

Here is the intuitive syntax.
       <resource type="html" src="asd.html" x="50%"  y="50%"  width="10%"
height="10%" z="6" xpath="page1" tIn="5000ms" tOut="9400ms"
inEffect="fadein" outEffect="fadeout" inEffectDur="1000ms"

       <resource type="html" src="asd.html" x="50%"  y="50%"  width="10%"
height="10%" z="6" xpath="page2" tIn="5000ms" tOut="9400ms"
inEffect="fadein" outEffect="fadeout" inEffectDur="1000ms"

Explanation -

<resource/>  node will paste asd.html on a some specified area. the html
page will be shown in rectangular area where x and y coordinate will be 50%
50% located and their height and width will be 10%.  the z order will define
the vertical order of loading. tIn and tOut will tell when to load. for
example, this page will appear on 5 sec to 9.4 seconds. When it will appear
at 5th second, It will appear with fadein effect with 1 second duration.
similarly at exit time, it will take 3 second to fadeout.
     You can load specific section of page using xpath expressions.

resource can be audio, video etc.

for example

<resource type="video" src="file1.ogg" x="50%"  y="50%"  width="10%"
height="10%" z="6"  tIn="0ms"  tOut="30000ms" tStart="65000ms"/>

This will load video file1.ogg at t= 0 second. will play this file for 30
second. Player will start steaming this file from t="65 second" and end at
65+30=95 second.

resource can be Images

       <resource type="image" src="mypic.jpg" x="0%"  y="0%"  width="100%"
height="100%" z="2" xpath="" tIn="5000ms" tOut="9400ms" inEffect="fadein"
outEffect="fadeout" inEffectDur="1000ms" outEffectDur="3000ms"/>

resource can be svg images.

resource can be pdf/odp files. A Javascript based code will convert pdf/odp
files html and paste inside Slideshow container.

 <resource type="odp" src="presentation.odp" x="10%"  y="10%"  width="90%"
height="90%" z="1" xpath="page2" tIn="5000ms" tOut="9400ms"
inEffect="fadein" outEffect="fadeout" inEffectDur="1000ms"

You can put multiple resource.

This type of syntax/format can lead to

* image based slideshow.
* html presentations
* audio embedded presentation
* e-learning content

Its more like a meta format for content delivery. Use will be able to view
e-learning content over web Or they will allowed to download all files into
a single zip file.

│    Narendra Sisodiya ( नरेन्द्र सिसोदिया )
│    Society for Knowledge Commons
│    Web : http://narendra.techfandu.org

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