On 5/11/10 11:43 AM, J Ross Nicoll wrote:
Looking at http://www.w3.org/TR/2009/WD-FileAPI-20091117/#dfn-file
Note, discussion about FileAPI should happen in WebApps WG mailing list.

There doesn't appear to be anyway of retrieving creation date,
modification date or size of the file.
You can get the size from Blob. And File extends Blob.


 Could I suggest adding attributes
creationDate, modificationDate and size to provide this information?

For a use case; we're working an a student coursework submission system,
where they'll be able to drag and drop files. It would be useful to show
the student details of the file they're uploading (for example,
modification date is useful to confirm they're uploading the most recent
version). We do actually see a fairly large number of mis-uploads with
the existing upload system, and are hoping exposing more information
during the upload (rather than once the file is received) will help.

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