On May 13, 2010, at 9:00 PM, Boris Zbarsky wrote:

> On 5/13/10 7:55 PM, Perry Smith wrote:
>> Its not that hard and it won't happen that often.  And it gives
>> the javascript authors more control and choices.
> If a situation doesn't happen often, then historically speaking most authors 
> will have no provisions to handle it.  Try browsing the web with non-default 
> colors set in your browser, with a default font size that's not 16px, or with 
> a 13px minimum font size set.  These aren't exactly hard things to deal with, 
> but authors just don't deal with them.  I sincerely doubt they'd deal with 
> the possibility of a websocket not actually opening unless is was _very_ 
> common.
> Maybe the spec should say that attempts to open a websocket should have a 50% 
> chance of failing even if there's no good reason for it, just so it is in 
> fact common for opening to fail?  ;)  (No, that's not a completely serious 
> proposal, but it's not completely facetious either; it would take something 
> like that for authors to handle failure properly.)

That wasn't what I meant.  "it won't happen often" I meant, the need to have a 
queueing mechanism written in Javascript.  i.e. most applications of web 
sockets would want to just fail.  The few that do not, can roll their own.

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