On Wed, 19 May 2010 10:22:54 +0200, Satish Sampath <sat...@google.com> wrote:
I don't really see how the problem is the same as with synchronous
XMLHttpRequest. When you do a synchronous request nothing happens to the
event loop so an alert() dialog could never happen. I think you want
recording to continue though. Having a simple dialog stop video conferencing for instance would be annoying. It's only script execution that needs to be paused. I'm also not sure if I'd really want recording to stop while looking at a page in a different tab. Again, if I'm in a conference call I'm almost always doing tasks on the side. E.g. looking up past discussions, scrolling through a document we're discussing, etc.

Can you clarify how the speech input element (as described in the current
API sketch) is related to video conferencing or a conference call, since it doesn't really stream audio to any place other than potentially a speech
recognition server and feeds the result back to the element?

Well, as indicated in the other thread I'm not sure whether this is the best way to do it. Usually we start with a lower-level API (i.e. microphone input) and build up from there. But maybe I'm wrong and speech input is a case that needs to be considered separately. It would still not be like synchronous XMLHttpRequest though.

Anne van Kesteren

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