On 2010-05-23 05:40, Carlos Andrés Solís wrote:
Imagine a hypothetical website that delivers videos in multiple languages.
Like on a DVD, where you can choose your audio and subtitles language. And
also imagine there is the possibility of downloading a file with the video,
along with either the chosen audio/sub tracks, or all of them at once. Right
now, though, there's no way to deliver multiple audio and subtitle streams
on HTML5 and WebM. Since the latter supports only one audio and one video

WebM, just like Matroska, certainly does support multiple video and audio tracks. The current limitation is that browser implementations don't yet provide an interface or API for track selection.

Whether or not authors would actually do this depends on their use case and what trade offs they're willing to make. The use cases I'm aware of for multiple tracks include offering stereo and surround sound alternatives, audio descripitons, audio commentaries or multiple languages.

The trade off here is in bandwidth usage vs. storage space (or processing time if you're doing dynamic server side muxing). Duplicating the video track in each file, containing only a single audio track saves bandwidth for users while increasing storage space. Storing all audio tracks in one multi-track webm file avoids duplication, while increasing the bandwidth for users downloading tracks they may not need.

The latter theoretically allows for the user to dynamically switch audio tracks to, e.g. change language or listen to commentary, without having to download a whole new copy of the video. The former requires the user to choose which tracks they want prior to downloading the appropriate file.

If there's only a choice between 2 or maybe 3 tracks, then the extra bandwidth may be insignificant. If, however, you're offering several alternate languages in both stereo and surround sound, with audio descriptions and directors commentary — the kind of stuff you'll find on many commercial DVDs — then the extra bandwidth wasted by users downloading so many tracks they don't need may not be worth it.

with no embedded subtitles,

Timed text tracks within WebM (most likely WebSRT) will eventually be supported.

Lachlan Hunt - Opera Software

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