On 31/05/2010 12:33, Silvia Pfeiffer wrote:
However, if I have multiple videos on a page, all on autoplay, it
would be nice to turn off the sound of all of them without JavaScript.
With all the new CSS3 functionality, I can, for example, build a
spinning cube of video elements that are on autoplay or a marquee of
videos on autoplay - all of which would require muting the videos to
be bearable. If we added @muted to the content attributes, it would be
easy to set the muted state without having to write any JavaScript.

A less esoteric use case is videos in advertisements, which often begin to play as soon as the ad loads but remain silent until the user explicitly chooses to enable sound (the theory being that the motion of the video will pique the user's interest and compel them to switch on the audio).

If there were a muted content attribute, such a video could be inserted into an ad using code as simple as this:

<video src="buystuff" autoplay loop muted></video>

(In most cases, script would probably be used to allow the user to enable sound but it's possible that the ad might rely on the user-agent's own controls for this.)

Without a muted content attribute, scripting would be required to ensure the video is muted when it starts playing. In cases where the author has not fully considered situations where scripting is not enabled, it is possible that some users may be unintentionally subjected to video that starts playing automatically (because the video element has an autoplay content attribute) at full volume (because the muting is done using script). I also wonder if less-than-bulletproof script solutions might lead to circumstances where the video begins playing before the muting script has executed, causing unwanted sound to be heard briefly.

Furthermore, while the lack of a muted content attribute can be alleviated using scripting, the same could be said of the autoplay content attribute. However, such an attribute is specified and has been implemented.


Alex Bishop

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